Hi. This is just a quick one to let you all know that we decided to further reduce our online prices of ALL CbdFit
CBD oils, from 5% - 20% and also PetLove CBD for pets.
We have lowered our prices at the beginning of COVID-19 situation but now offering a flat rate discount of a massive 30% on all our top quality CBD full spectrum and broad spectrum oils as well as CBD PetLove for pets. This is a huge discount bringing our price to zero profit margin.
We have spoke to several clients and friends as well as we've observed current situation and with our own experience with CBD decided to do this offer so more people can try our products and get help and support with things like insomnia, anxiety or depression.
We at
know exactly what's it like so here we go guys, use code 'COVID-19' at checkout to get a massive 30% discount on all of our CBD oils.
Enjoy and stay strong 💚💚
Apply 30% off to CBD OIL with the promo code "COVID-19".