Cannabis plants produce thousands of compounds but the most recognized belong to a class called cannabinoids. There are several cannabinoids but the two that are most well-known among consumers are THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).
Derived from an extraction process from the flowers and buds of cannabis plants, either marijuana or hemp, CBD does not produce intoxication as it is a non-psychoactive compound, unlike marijuana's "high" which is caused by the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
If you are interested in or have been researching medicinal marijuana for those with autism, CBD oil could possibly be a better option. This is something you should discuss with your child’s doctor.
You may hear the term “hemp oil” when referring to CBD oil. Hemp is one of the varieties of cannabis plants that CBD is most commonly extracted from. Although in most cases CBD oil from hemp has no THC, it’s important to note that isn't always the case. So going forward, we recommend focusing on CBD oil for those with autism.
CBD oil can be taken orally in many forms - some sources break consumption into categories – ingestible, topical, and smokeable. CBD oil can be administered in a dropper as a tincture, be encapsulated into a pill, baked into a brownie, vaped or even smoked. CBD products include edibles like gummies, beverage drinks, soaps, and creams or a transdermal patch similar to a nicotine patch.
Besides the type of plant CBD is extracted from, you can also choose the type of CBD you want based on how it’s processed. Full spectrum, or "whole plant" CBD, has a variety of potentially beneficial cannabinoids plus plant terpenes and flavonoids found in the original plant. CBD isolate is when all the other cannabis compounds are removed and only the CBD is left. It is not "whole plant" based and contains only one part.
It's believed that using full-spectrum has more benefits than using CBD alone.
There are so many brands of CBD oil to choose from. There are also many "snake oils" on the market, so it's important to do your research. Find out the source of the CBD, where it's grown and how it's processed. You should check third-party testing results provided by CBD Oil companies.
If a company can't provide you with a third-party lab test or a certificate of authentication (CoA), then we would recommend finding another brand.
In December 2018, Congress passed the 2018 Farm Billwhich, if it hasn't already, will be signed by the President.
What this means is that CBD processed from hemp, with a THC level less than 0.3%, will be legal in all 50 states. If CBD oil has more than 0.3% THC it is considered non-hemp and has no federal legal protection at all.
And even though CBD oil from hemp is now legal, there are still strict regulations, as well as government oversight as to who can grow hemp, where it can be grown and how it's cultivated and produced.